
Monday, March 22, 2010


Salah satu juadah yg chik mi buat jugak ari sabtu tu,dah plan lama tup2 tgk kat umah Knor,Kzai ngan Kita pun ade lagiiiiii la mokcik tak tahan,hahahaha.Dah lama tak makan so bila buat ni all my nieces pun hantam bagai nak rak,since ade belen stoberi kat peti tu chik mi masukkan jugak,ya rabbi masamnya stoberi tu ,tapi tak pe potongkan lemak2 yg duk berkumpul tu.

Lebihan tu masukkan dalam bekas kecik2 tp along tak letak custardnya banyak2 so jellynya meresap kedlm keknya tu,so kalau boleh biar lebihkan custard ye baru best.

Jelly crystal yg chik mi guna,thanks to cik Leez my ofcmate yg tulun belikan.Chik mi doublekan the receipe.

~Trifle~ by Amy Beh


  • 8 pieces Swiss roll slices ~i used readymade chiffon cake
  • 3–4 tbsp orange juice~ i used fruit cocktail juice

    Custard filling
  • 50g custard powder
  • 100g castor sugar
  • 150ml water
  • 600ml milk
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1/8 tsp salt

    Jelly layer
  • 1 packet (110g) mango jelly crystals
  • 250ml boiling water

  • Some mango slices, cubed ~ i used fruit cocktail

    Dissolve the custard powder in a little bit of the milk. Next, put the mixture into a saucepan with the rest of the milk. Add in water, sugar, salt and essence. Stir over low heat until mixture thickens and boils.

    To prepare jelly, dissolve jelly crystals in hot water and set aside.

    To make the trifle, line a glass dish with the Swiss roll slices. Spoon some fruit juice over them and then top with mango pieces.

    Pour two-thirds of the prepared custard over the mango pieces then place the glass dish in the refrigerator for 20 minutes to set the custard.

    Pour half a portion of the dissolved jelly over the custard. Chill in the refrigerator until the jelly sets.

    Slowly pour remaining custard over the jelly layer. (Should the custard thicken, add 1 extra tablespoon of milk and return to a low heat, stirring all the way until it cooks and custard is smooth again.)

    For the remaining jelly mixture that has set, cut into cubes and use as topping. When custard has set and is well chilled, garnish with the jelly and mango cubes. (Note: The trifle should be well chilled before serving.)


    1. haiyo!!banyak godaan singgah umah chik mi ni..sabor sabor:)

    2. salam Chik mimi- dessert yg paling sy suka last mkn raya lepas..tegoda betul le..nak cikit yg dlm bekas kecik tu pun jadilahhh

    3. Salam pengenalan Chik Mi, saya Dayang sophia dari Shah Alam. Moga terjalin ikatan antara kita. Warna merahnya menyala-nyala tarik perhatian orang ramai

    4. Salam Dinda.....wah makan2 Trifle....ada kenang pada Kanda Tak??? Kanda tak jumpa adik yg lain masa kat KL....jumpa kakak jer...Kak Ina...kat KL bookfair!

